All your F-10 maths educational needs in the one place!
Maths Resources: Years F-6
Explore our collection of math resources for Years F-6, featuring a variety of content, activities, and lesson plans to support teachers throughout foundational mathematics education. Designed to enhance learning and facilitate teaching in the early and middle years classroom.
Maths Resources: Years 7-10
Explore our collection of math resources for Years 7-10, offering a range of content, activities, and lesson plans to support teachers across all areas of mathematics education. Designed to enhance learning and facilitate teaching in the middle years classroom.
Key ideas in mathematics
Let’s take the problem out of maths!
Check out our YouTube channel EM Maths' MathsQween!
Featured episodes
MathsTalk by AMSI Schools
Check out more of our free resources
F - 6 Maths Scope and Sequence Planning Map
Your one-stop document for planning made easy
Plan more easily around the content strands and descriptors of the Australian and Victorian Mathematics Curriculum.
Use the tabs to choose your content strand and the filters to sort your year levels, content descriptors, and codes.
Click a link to go to the relevant descriptor page, or hover over each code to view the elaborations.
7 - 10A Maths Scope and Sequence Planning Map
Your one-stop document for planning made easy
Plan more easily around the content strands and descriptors of the Australian and Victorian Mathematics Curriculum.
Use the tabs to choose your content strand and the filters to sort your year levels, content descriptors, and codes.
Click a link to go to the relevant descriptor page, or hover over each code to view the elaborations.
Using NAPLAN questions to inform your teaching
We’ve made NAPLAN planning easy as Pi
The NAPLAN spreadsheet containing questions from years 3, 5, 7, and 9 2018/2019 NAPLAN tests.
Filter questions based on strands or topics
Use questions as warm-ups for target teaching and formative assessment.
For full access to the spreadsheet check out the Professional Learning workshop NAPLAN Warm-ups on our Services page.
Blogs and articles
Here are some of our latest blog posts talking all things maths
Are you smarter than a Cicada?