Classroom resources

High-quality classroom resources are crucial in fostering an engaging and effective learning environment. They accommodate various learning styles, ensuring that all students can access the curriculum in ways that suit them best. Our curated collection of maths resources removes the complexity of selection, offering educators an arsenal of tools designed for various year levels. This selection aims to empower educators with the tools needed to inspire curiosity, deepen understanding, and prepare students for future challenges, making education a rich and diverse experience for every learner.

  • Maths Resources for All Levels

    • Unifix or connector blocks

    • Wooden blocks (15 mm)

    • Centicubes

    • Whiteboards (class set)

    • Whiteboard markers (class set)

    • 1-metre measuring tape

    • 1-metre rulers

    • Coloured counters (round)

    • Coloured tiles (square)

    • Cuisennaire rods

    • Counting sticks

    • Dynamic hundreds charts (changeable)

    • MAB 

    • Masking or duct tape

    • Coloured square paper

    • Coloured circle paper

    • Paper strips

    • Dot dice (1 - 6)

    • Symbol dice (1 - 6)

    • Word dice (1 - 6)

    • Symbol dice (0 - 9)

    • Digit cards (0 - 9)

    • Playing cards

    • Plastic bowls

    • Grip mats (class set)

    • Thin rope (~10 m)

    • Twine

    • Small pegs

    • Balance scales

    • Small weights

    • Thermometres

    • Attribute blocks

    • Pattern blocks

    • Playdoh

    • 1 cm grid paper

    • Demonstration (magnetic) money

    • Trundle wheels

    • Practise money (as close to true size as possible.

    • 3D objects (prisms, cylinders, pyramids)

  • Years F - 2 Specific Resources

    • Tens Frames

    • Bead strings 

      • 0 - 30 (F-1)​

      • 0 - 100 (year 2)

    • Number lines

      • 0 - 10​

      • 0 - 20

      • 0 - 30

      • 0 - 50

      • 0 - 100

    • Hundreds grids​

    • Magic beans

    • Double-sided counters​

    • Dot plates​

    • Subitising cards

    • Multiple countable objects. I.e. buttons, shells, paperclips etc.

    • Bundling sticks

    • Pony beads

  • Years 3 - 6 Specific Resources

    • Linear Arithmetic Blocks (LAB)

    • Decimats

    • Protractors

    • Large demonstration protractor

    • Compasses

    • Calculators (class set)

    • Algebra tiles


Mathematical language